
Reflecting on the Semester

When beginning this semester three months ago, I anticipated learning more about how to use photography, video editing and social media management to grow my personal content. Coming into this class, I had background skills in these tools, but was looking to discover more ways to grow my content professionally. During the course of the…

Surviving a Pandemic

When taking part in the video reporting experience, I really enjoyed being able to develop a story that was going to be important to tell. When planning what I wanted to be told in the video, I wanted to make sure that their voices were heard. There were a lot of important questions that needed…

Most Underrated Places to Visit in the Black Hills

South Dakota is a very popular summer vacation destination, thanks to the beauty and history of the Black Hills. Hundreds of thousands of people come from across the world, to get a glimpse of the historic Mount Rushmore, located in the Black Hills. From the iconic Sturgis Rally to national monuments such as Mount Rushmore…

The Journey to Instagram

I’m super exciting to announce that I have launched a new Instagram page to supplement these blogs! Go check it out! As a marketing major in the College of Business, Instagram and Canva have been integrated into my daily work and marketing strategies. I am consistently using Instagram to promote myself and my photography,…

Aumni Ashby Special

Interviewing subjects is a very different and unique experience for me. Normally, my interviews are conducted as supplemental information when writing different stories and blog posts. This was the first time for me that the main goal was to create a story through an interview. Personally, being able to tell a story through an interview…

The Return of Wyoming Track and Field

On June 8, 2019, four University of Wyoming Cowgirls took to the track for their final event of the 2019 outdoor season. No one knew at the time, but this would be the last time they would compete outside for almost two years. Beginning in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic put a halt to all…

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