The Journey to Instagram

I’m super exciting to announce that I have launched a new Instagram page to supplement these blogs! Go check it out!

As a marketing major in the College of Business, Instagram and Canva have been integrated into my daily work and marketing strategies. I am consistently using Instagram to promote myself and my photography, and Canva to promote organizations I am involved with on campus. These two core media outlets have been key to my success as a college student, which helped guide me through creating an Instagram page for my blog.

For my promotional strategy, I focused on creating graphics that were aimed to stand out among the typical Instagram photos. Through my series of posts, I created each one different and unique to symbolize the importance of the individual story. They all came together to create a profile that attracts viewers.

The most challenging part to this assignment for me personally was creating an image for the Instagram page that was both unique and stood out among the pack. There are so many Instagram pages that have the same message and style, so it was important that I created a page unique to them all. This took a lot of time and consideration, and a good majority of effort as well.

Through the creation and implementation of a new Instagram page for my blog posts, I was very surprised by how many different options are available to showcase each blog. I was blown away by how many options there are to share your work, and every creation can be unique in its own way. After having Instagram for well over eight years, my eyes were opened to new ways to show my work to the masses.

As stated before, marketing heavily involves using forms of social marketing, such as social media. In the career field that I am currently pursuing in sports marketing, many of the positions involve social media and creating posts. Understanding Instagram and Canva will be very important to my success in these career fields.

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